
The bridge can not

in Spam Area!!! 23.11.2019 03:27
von ylq | 16 Beiträge

The bridge can not only connect the two places, but also have a bridge of communication between the human and the human heart. There is a bridge of homesickness in the country and the home--the inscription is green and open in the cup Cheap Cigarettes, the heat is tumbling in the air, the tea is faint, ��In the house, I silently miss my hometown. A few years ago, I traveled to Hunan with my uncle. "Boss, buy some spicy sauce!" "Well!" Xiaoshang stunned. "You are not a local?" "Yes, I am from Jiangsu!" My uncle said the dialect of Mandarin in his hometown, and his face blossomed. A proud smile. Xiao Shang also laughed, I, puzzled. We have been there for a week, but he is still a pure native voice. I don't understand, I arrived at the same time with him. In a few days, I had a bit of Hunan flavor. It��s hard to deal with outside the house, but my uncle��s ��self-destructive identity�� is not afraid of being bullied? Do not understand. The thoughts flew, the heat in the house gradually dispersed, and the tea was still "uncle,..." I was about to ask him. "Call--" my uncle stopped me, and I did not turn my eyes on the newspaper--the news in Jiangsu. The uncle read it carefully, just as the doctor focused on the surgery and the tailor focused on the needle angle. It is the thousand island cauliflower in his hometown. The uncle's mouth is slightly raised, and the light of the child's delight is flashing in the eyelids Newport Cigarettes. I am surprised. If I realized that my uncle had traveled to Hunan, my heart was worried about my hometown day and night. "What happened to you?" After the joy, my uncle returned to the past, but without losing the joy of the moment, "Yu" my words turned: "Uncle, how do I learn in Hunan?" Uncle can not help The smile is like a crescent mn, and my head is on my head. "You are a ghost boy, smart, fast, not like me." "Can the uncle come for more than a week!" I asked the trend, "You don't say Hunan dialect, are not afraid of others bullying foreigners?" I sat closer to him Newport Cigarettes Coupons, full of eagerness, my uncle was stunned by the problems of my beaded guns. He slowly got up and lked to the south, full of tenderness and water, which eased my eagerness. "I am here in Hunan, I live in Hunan, but my heart is in my hometown!" Maosaiton opened, I also lked south, and I wanted to hang the branches on the branches, and it was difficult to learn a language because of the desire to survive. However, it is simple. It is simple to change a local accent, because it is difficult to hold the beautiful nostalgia.
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